


" I would like to express my sincere appreciation and excitement of the life experiences and lessons I have learnt during the camp. It was not coincident that I was part of it but God's will that I may be transformed and revived. Indeed God was with us. His message for us was so precise and specific. I was and still am convinced that what we have learnt comes from Him." –Malesela


"The camp was amazing ...I'm realizing all the knowledge I've gained.

Studying the different chapters with everyone in groups made it interesting...The teachings from the different speakers are lessons we must treasure forever–very relevant to our time.

The talent show could not go unnoticed, I was thoroughly entertained. Everyone got out of their comfort zone especially those who danced. 

The praise and worship was powerful...the Daniel and Joseph calling... was the objective of our camp...Learning how both men of God were able to exist in somewhat of a modern world and able to please God and stand up for the Lord in leadership positions. With challenges of being sold off by your own brothers...Or being thrown in the pit of lions. Their lives represent what we should all aspire to be in our walk with Christ as young people.

Growth is a journey and It cannot happen overnight. This trip was the beginning of something great installed in me. It provided us with a foundation to build from. " 




In a nutshell, it was life transforming and mind renewing... I prepared my mind and heart to digest a whole new perspective on the lives of Joseph and Daniel...Then came the teachings on Joseph and Daniel (from Wednesday to Thursday morning), but by now as far as I was concerned, it was 'Jesus or nothing'. The foundation had been laid for the rest of the camp, and everything made sense. Of all that was said, a few things stood out for me;

  1. Investing in your relationship with God is the greatest investment you can make, especially in your youth. Conversely, taking it lightly is a bad investment – somewhat a death sentence."
  2. Given the times in which we live, I must be prepared for life-threatening/career-threatening tests in the likes of those experienced by Daniel and his friends. Honestly, I have always been scared of taking risks for God, but praise God, this fear was broken.
  3. The world has problems, and is in need of answers from experts whose know-how is greatly limited because it is only canal. As a child of God, in a new way I saw myself as a vessel of God-inspired solutions for the present (in my immediate sphere of influence) and for the future (considering the positions God is taking me to). We were each called to share (and formally document) how we plan to advance God's kingdom, and I was marvelled at the uniqueness in that no two people had the same calling.
  4. Releasing from your heart those who have hurt you in anyway just like Joseph did, is the pathway to my fulfilment in God's vineyard. Pst Gabila's testimony was a vivid eye-opener. " Akow Nelson

To read this testimony in full: click here

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